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Meenu Tewari

Title: Associate Professor, City & Regional Planning
Department/School: City & Regional Planning , CB#3140
Telephone: (919) 962-4758
Appointed Year: 2000
Education:Doctorate (1996), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
World Area Of Focus:• International 50%-74%
• South Asia 50%-74%
Languages:• Hindi (native/bilingual proficiency)
• Panjabi, Eastern (elementary proficiency)
Specialization:International economic development, political economy of industrialization, public sector institutions, poverty alleviation, small firms, and the informal economy
Relevant Experience:Visiting Fellow, Indian Council fo International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi (Spring 2005);
Visiting Fellow, Institute of Economic Growth, Spring 2005;
Post-doctoral fellow at the IFO Institute for Economic Research in Munich Germany (1996-1997); research for The Harvard Center for International Development's India Program, UNIDO in Vienna, the ILO in Geneva, and the World Bank (since 1993). Site of Primary field research: South Asia (India: Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Kolkata); Other field experience in Kazhakstan and North Carolina, US.
Distinctions:Junior faculty development award;
Research Awards from the Associate provost for International Studies,UNC, University Center for International Studies, University Research Council, and from the Latane Fund, UNC;
Inter American Development Bank;
GSC Award for Excellence in Teaching at MIT.
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation dissertation fellowship.
Dissertations and Theses Supervised in Past 5 Years: 15
Relevant Courses Taught:Economic development seminar;
Microeconomics for policy planning; Globalization of North Carolina’s economy; The political economy of poverty and inequality;
Labor organizations in the Informal Economy; Planning institutions and processes in
developing countries, Small firms,local industrialization and the informal economy; Analysis of field research findings; Political economy of development projects: Targeting the poor

Recent Publications:• 2016 Journal Article:
• 2016 2. Tewari, M. and D. Nathan. Incorporating Labor in Asian Value Chains. In Nathan, D., Tewari M, and Sarkar, S (eds). Labor in Asian Value Chains. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In Press.
• 2016 2. Tewari, M. and C. Veeramani. Analyzing patterns of vertically specialized trade between India and ASEAN: What do they tell us about India’s prospects within Asian Production Networks? Global Economy Journal (under review)
• 2016 3. Tewari, M. and A. Guinn. 2015. Global Production Networks and Economic Corridors: Moving beyond SEZ’s as Anchors of Manufacturing Growth in Emerging Economies. Paper prepared for the Asian Development Bank.
• 2016 7. Aziz, Z and M. Tewari. 2015. Governance: Provision of Infrastructure and Basic Services in a Changing Climate: Lessons from a Comparison of Four Secondary Cities in India. Paper prepared for the Rockefeller Foundation.
• 2016 5. Goldar, A, M. Tewari and F. Sen. 2015. Burden of Disease and Climate Interactions: the Case of Surat City, India. Paper prepared for the Rockefeller Foundation.
• 2016 1. Nathan, D., Tewari M, and Sarkar, S (eds). Labor in Asian Value Chains. Cambridge University Press. In Press.
• 2016 Book Chapters:
• 2016 1. Tewari. M. Diffusing Labor Standards Beyond the Value Chain: Lessons from the Mewat Experiment. In Nathan, D., Tewari M, and Sarkar, S. (eds). Labor in Asian Value Chains, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In Press.
• 2016 Papers Under Review:
• 2016 1. E. Somanathan, R. Somanathan, A. Sudarshan and M. Tewari (Alphabetical). 2015. “Impact of Temperature on Productivity and Labor Supply: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing.” Under review, Journal of Political Economy.
• 2016 1. Lowe, N., M. Tewari and T.W. Lester. 2015. Planning for Inclusive Prosperity: Lessons from the North Carolina Experience. Carolina Planning, Vol. 40.
• 2016 2. Tewari, M., Z. Aziz, M. Cook, A. Goldar, I. Ray, S. Ray, S. Roychowdhury and V. Unnikrishnan. 2015. Reimagining India’s Urban Future: A framework for Securing High Growth, Low Carbon, Climate Resilient Urban Development in India. ICRIER Working Paper 306 (Refereed series).
• 2016 6. Roychowdhury, S and M. Tewari. 2015. Migration and City Competitiveness: A Comparative Analysis of Four Cities with Surat as a Special Case. Paper prepared for the Rockefeller Foundation.
• 2016 9. Unnikrishnan, V. and M. Tewari. 2015. Governance: Provision of Water Services in ULBs: A Performance Gap Analysis. Paper prepared for the Rockefeller Foundation.
• 2016 10. Ray, I and M. Tewari. 2015. ‘Climate-Proofing’ Surat’s Water Sector? Institutional Lessons for Planning Practice. Paper prepared for the Rockefeller Foundation.
• 2016 8. Aziz, Z and M. Tewari. 2015. Urban Form, Transportation and Climate Security: The Case of Surat., India. Paper prepared for the Rockefeller Foundation.
• 2016 1. Tewari, M. Relational Contracting at the Bottom of the Garment Value Chain: Evidence from Mewat. Indian Journal of Labour Economics (forthcoming).
• 2016 3. Nathan, D, M. Tewari and S. Sarkar. The Double Movement of Labor in the Re-formation of Asian Value Chains. In Nathan, D., Tewari M, and Sarkar, S (eds). Labor in Asian Value Chains. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In Press.
• 2016 Working Papers, Reports and CPJ Article:
• 2016 4. Guinn, A. and M. Tewari. 2015. Innovating vocational training in the Suape Port Complex, Brazil: Lessons for India from a Decade of Reforms in Brazil. Paper prepared for the World Bank.
• 2015 Tewari, M., C. Veeramani and M. Singh. 2015. "Regional Production Networks n Asia: Analyzing vertically specialized trade patterns between India and ASEAN." ICRIER Paper No. 292. Refereed Series.
• 2015 Sudarshan, A, and M. Tewari. 2014. “The Economic Impacts of Temperature on Industrial Productivity: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing.” ICRIER Paper No. 278, Refereed Series, July 2014.
• 2015 Tewari, M., C. Veeramani and M. Singh. 2014. “Indian Manufacturing and the Prospects of Insertion in Asian Production Networks,” Chapter in Regional Production Networks in Asia. Oxford University Press. In press.
• 2015 Colloredo-Mansfield, Rudi, M. Tewari, J. Williams, D. Holland, A Steen. 2014. “Communities, Supermarkets, and Local Food: Mapping Connections and Obstacles in Food Systems Work in North Carolina. Human Organization, Vol 73, No. 3.
• 2015 Karmakar, S and M. Tewari. 2014. “Using IPRs to Protect Niches? Evidence from the Indian Textile and Apparel Industry.” Indian Council For Research on International Economic Relations. Paper No. 270, Refereed Series.
• 2014 Tewari, M., C. Veeramani and M. Singh. 2013. “Indian Manufacturing and Regional Production Networks in Asia,” Chapter in Regional Production Networks in Asia. Asian Development Bank. Forthcoming 2014.
• 2014 Tewari, M, with A Goldar, S. Ray, S. Roy-Chowdhury, I. Ray, Z. Aziz and V. Unnikrishnan. 2014. “Cities: A strategic framework for Urban Sustainability,” Forthcoming Working Paper for the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate (New Climate Economy), London. April.
• 2014 Tewari, M., S. Ray, A. Goldar, I Ray, S. Roy Chowdhury, Z. Aziz and V. Unnikrishnan. 2013. “Economic Resilience of Cities in a Changing Climate,” Chapter 6, Policy Briefs for Climate Resilience, Edited by Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network, Rockefeller Foundation.
• 2014 Book Chapters
• 2014 Karmakar, S and M. Tewari (Alphabetical). 2014. “Using IPRs to Protect Niches? Evidence from the Indian Textile and Apparel Industry.” Indian Council For Research on International Economic Relations Paper No. 270, Refereed Series.
• 2014 Sudarshan, A, and M. Tewari. 2013. “The Economic Impacts of Temperature on Industrial Productivity: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing.” Forthcoming ICRIER Working Paper, Refereed Series. 2014.
• 2014 Tewari, M., S. Ray and A. Sudarshan. 2013. “Industrial Structure, Industrial Risks: Exposure of Urban Production Networks to Climate Risk and Prospects for Adaptation.” Forthcoming ICRIER Working Paper, Refereed Series, 2014
• 2014 Tewari, M. 2013. “Ecologies of Risk and the Spatialities of Production: Climate Adaptation in Surat’s Textile Industry,” Forthcoming ICRIER Working Paper, Refereed Series, 2014.
• 2014 Tewari, M., C. Veeramani and M. Singh. 2013. “Task Trade and India's Participation in Regional Production Networks in Asia,” Forthcoming book chapter, Regional Production Networks in Asia, Asian Development Bank. 2014.
• 2014 Colloredo-Mansfield, Rudi, M. Tewari, J. Williams, D. Holland, A Steen. 2013. “Communities, Supermarkets, and Local Food: Mapping Connections and Obstacles in Food Systems Work in North Carolina. To be published in Human Organization, Vol 73, No. 3, In press.
• 2014 Other Publications (Including single blind refereed papers)
• 2014 Tewari, M, and C. Veeramani and Manjeeta Singh. 2013. The Potential for India’s Participation in Regional Production Networks in Asia, Report to the Asian Development Bank.
• 2012 Tewari, M. 2012. Overcoming the Burden of History in the South Asian Garment Industry: Emerging Engagement in Regional Markets. Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic Press , ISBN: 978-3-8465-5848-5
• 2010 A series of 6 studies on the impact of economic liberalization on Indian industry (at the subnational level) available online at the Center for International Development at Harvard (http://www.cid.harvard.edu/india/)
• 2010 Tewari, M. 2010. “Footloose Capital, Intermediation and the Search for the ‘High Road’ in Low Wage Industries.” In: Labour in Global Production Networks in India edited by Anne Posthuma and Dev Nathan. Oxford University Press, New Delhi and Oxford.
• 2010 Tewari, M. 2010. “The Textile and Clothing Industry.” Chapter 3 in Intraregional Trade and Investment in South Asia. Manila: Asian Development Bank. Pp. 40-69.
• 2006 Tewari, M. (2006) "Adjustments in India's textile and apparel industry: Reworking historical legacies in a post-MFA world," Environment and Planning A, 38 (12): 2325-2344.
• 2006 "Is Price and Cost Competitiveness Enough for Apparel Firms to Gain Market Share in the World after Quotas? A Review." Global Economy Journal, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2006.
• 2005 Tewari,Meenu. 2005. "Foreign direct investment and the transformation of Tamil Nadu’s automotive supply base,” In: Yves-André Faure, Loraine Kennedy et Pascal Labazée (eds.) Local Production Systems and Global Markets in Emerging Economies: Brazil, India, Mexico. IRD/Karthala, Paris (2005).
• 2005 Tewari, Meenu. 2005. “Non-local forces in the historical evolution and current transformation of North Carolina’s Furniture Industry.” In: The American South in a Global World, J. Peacock, H. Watson and M. Mathews (eds.). Chapel Hill and London: UNC Press, 2005.
• 2005 Tewari, Meenu and Poonam Pillai. 2005. “Global standards and environmental compliance in India’s leather industry.” Joint with Poonam Pillai. Oxford Development Studies, Vol 33, No. 2,2005.
• 2005 Tewari, Meenu. 2005. "Adjustment in India's textile and apparel industry: reshaping historical legacies in a trade-liberalized world." ICRIER Working Paper (forthcoming).
• 2003 Tewari, Meenu. 2003. “Beyond technical modernization in small inter-linked firms: Illustrations from India’s diesel engine cluster,” Chapter 9 in Beyond Old Equations: Small Enterprise Experiences and Perspectives in India, edited by P.M. Mathew, Kanishka Press: New Delhi, 2003, June.
• 2001 Dolan, Catherine and Meenu Tewari. 2001."From What we Wear to What we Eat:Upgrading in Global Value Chains." IDS Bulletin. Vol. 32, No, 3, July 2001; 2001


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