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Tanya Shields

Title: Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Women's and Gender Studies
Department/School: Womens and Gender Stds , CB#3135
Telephone: (000) 000-0000
Appointed Year: 2007
Education:• PHD Women's and Gender Studies, University of Maryland at College Park 2005
World Area Of Focus:• Latin America 50%-74%
Specialization:Critical theory; Caribbean literature and cultural studies
Relevant Experience:• Overseas Experience: the Caribbean
• 2017-2017 Report on the Humanities in the Public Square Grant, NEH
• 2016-2016 International Women’s Day
Distinctions:• 2013-2013 University Research Council Publication
• 2013-2013 Junior Faculty Development Award
Dissertations and Theses Supervised in Past 5 Years: 3
Relevant Courses Taught:• WMST 064 Plantation Lullabies
• WMST 066 World Literature by Women
• WMST 101 Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies
• WMST 350 Spitting into the Wind: “American” Women, Art, and Activism
• WMST 352 Rahtid Rebel Women
• WMST 695 Principles of Feminist Inquiry
Recent Publications:• 2015 Shields, Tanya, editor. Into the Postcolonial Moment: The Legacy of Eric Williams (editor). “Introduction” Tomeiko Ashford Carter, Tanya Shields, and William Darity. Jackson, MS: University of Mississippi Press. 2015 Forthcoming
• 2014 Bodies and Bones: Feminist Rehearsal and Imagining Caribbean Belonging. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press. 2015 Forthcoming
• 2011 “There Once was an Indian Woman Who Imagined Elsewhere and Others” in The Routledge Companion to Anglophone Caribbean Literature. Edited by Michael A. Bucknor and Alison Donnell. New York: Routledge Press. 2011
• 2009 Shields, Tanya, "Who Belongs? Caribbean Citizenships, Nationalisms, and Selected Works of Paul Gilroy," In Conference Proceedings, UNC Press (2009).
• 2008 Shields, Tanya, Slocum, Karla, “Critical Explorations of Gender and the Caribbean: Taking it into the Twenty First Century,” Identities Global Studies in Culture and Power, Volume 15 Issue 6:p 687-702 (2008).
• 2008 Shields, Tanya, “The Amerindian Transnational Experience in Pauline Melville’s The Ventriloquist’s Tale.” Constructing Vernacular Culture in the Trans-Caribbean. Holger Henke and Karl Heinz Magister (eds.) New York, NY: Lexington Books, (2008).
• 2008 Shields, Tanya, “Critical Connection: Method, Power, Knowledge,” Enculturation 6.1 (2008).


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