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Sarah Hutchison

Title: Assoc. Director of TAM program, European Studies
Department/School: European Studies , CB#3449
Telephone: (919) 962-4507
Appointed Year: 2002
Education:Doctorate (2004), UNC
World Area Of Focus:• Western Europe/European Union (EU) 100%
Languages:• French (professional proficiency)
• Italian (professional proficiency)
Specialization:Comparative perspectives in Western European literature.
Now serves as Associate Director of the TransAtlantic Masters Program. Overseas program recruitment, admissions, student services and alumni development.
Relevant Experience:1. Reid Hall, Paris, France, Columbia University Annex, Full Academic Year 1989-1990 and Summer 1988
2. North Carolina Consortium of Universities, Paris Program Coordinator, 1999
Recent Publications:• 2009 “Defining International Education: A Comparative Analysis of US-based Professional Masters Programs.” In Michel Gueldry ed., Languages Mean Business: Integrating Languages and Cultures in/for the Professions, The Mellen press, 2009 (expected),Volume 2, Chapter 23, 551-74.
• 2009 “Beyond Funding – Sustainability and the TransAtlantic Masters (TAM) Program” in Joint and Double Degree Programs: An Emerging Model for Transatlantic Exchange. Eds. Daniel Obst and Mathias Kuder. Freie University, Berlin and IIE.
• 2002 Mongo-Mboussa, Boniface. “Unveiling French-African Memory.” Trans. Sarah A. Hutchison. Perspectives in French Studies at the Turn of the Millennium. Eds. Martine Antle and Dominique Fisher. Spec. issue of Studies in twentieth-Century Literature (STCL) 26:1 (2002): 117-129.
• 0 “Beyond Funding – Sustainability and the TransAtlantic Masters (TAM) Program.” Recently submitted for publication in the Transatlantic Degree Programs (TDP) Manual to be published by the Freie Universitaet Berlin and the Institute of International Education.


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