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Lee Weisert

Title: Assistant Professor, Music
Department/School: Music , CB#3320
Telephone: (773) 425-9246
Appointed Year: 2011
Education:• PHD Music Composition, Northwestern University 2010
Specialization:Music Composition, Electroacoustic Music, Sound Installation.
Relevant Experience:• 2011-2015 Assistant Professor, UNC Chapel Hill
• 2005-2010 Adjunct Professor, Northwestern University
Dissertations and Theses Supervised in Past 5 Years: 1
Relevant Courses Taught:• MUSC 239 Introduction to Music Technology
• MUSC 266 Composition
• MUSC 355 History and Practice of Electroacoustic Music
Recent Publications:• 2014 Weisert, Lee. Wild Arc. New Focus Recordings FCR 143. CD. [2014].
• 2009 Jonathon Kirk and Lee Weisert (2009). The Argus Project: Underwater Soundscape Composition with Laser-Controlled Modulation. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA.


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