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Marc Serre

Title: Associate Professor, Environment Sciences & Engi
Department/School: Environment Sciences & Engi , CB#7431
Telephone: (919) 966-7014
Education:PhD Environmental Sci. & Eng. (1999) UNC
M.S. Civil & Environmental Eng.(1992) Univ of Iowa
M.S. Hydraulics (1990) France
M.S. Physics (1989) France
World Area Of Focus:• Africa Less than 10%
• Asia Less than 10%
• Russia/Eastern Europe Less than 10%
Languages:• French (native/bilingual proficiency)
Specialization:Exposure Sciences
Environmental Epidemiology
Environmental Engineering
Enviromental Health
Risk Assessment
Relevant Experience:9 month consulting in Egypt, Cairo, on air quality study.
Trips to Africa on consulting for Water Services.
Current funded project on Arsenic and microbial contamination in Bangladesh.
Collaborations on Chernobyl fallout studies.
Collaborataions on Air pollution in Thailand.
Dissertations and Theses Supervised in Past 5 Years: 2+2
Relevant Courses Taught:Temporal GIS
Exposure Mapping and Risk Assessment
Recent Publications:• 2007 Puangthongthub, S., S. Wangwongwatana, R.M. Kamens, M.L. Serre (2007) Modeling the Space/Time Distribution of Particulate Matter in Thailand and Optimizing Its Monitoring Network, Atmospheric Environment, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2007.06.051
• 2005 Savelieva, E., V. Demyanov, M. Kanevski, M.L. Serre, and G. Christakos (2005) BME-Based Uncertainty Assessment of the Chernobyl Fallout, Geoderma, Vol. 128, pp. 312-324. (Awarded best paper in Pedometrics for 2005).
• 2003 Serre, M.L., A. Kolovos, G. Christakos, and K. Modis (2003) An application Of The Holistochastic Human Exposure Methodology To Naturally Occurring Arsenic in Bangladesh Drinking Water, Risk Analysis, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 515-528.
• 2000 Serre, M.L., G. Christakos, J. Howes, and A. Gamal (2000) Powering An Egyptian Air Quality Information System With The BME Space/Time Analysis Toolbox, in P. Monestiez, D. Allard and R. Froidevaux, editors, geoENV III - Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Vol. 1, pp. 91-100.


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