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Pamela Conover

Title: Burton Craige Distinguished Professor, Political Science
Department/School: Political Science , CB#3265
Telephone: (919) 962-0424
Appointed Year: 1984
Education:PhD (1979), University of Minnesota
World Area Of Focus:• Western Europe/European Union (EU) 25%-49%
Specialization:Political behavior, political psychology, sexuality studies
Distinctions:Robert Bailey Award, “Best paper on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender politics presented at the 2003 annual meeting of the APSA,” awarded by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Caucus of the APSA, 2004; Gregory M. Luebbert Award, “Best Journal Article in Comparative Politics in 2002,” awarded by the Comparative Politics Section of the APSA, 2003; Edward Kidder Graham Award, “Best Advisor to a Student Organization,” UNC-CH, 2003.; Frank Porter Graham Graduate and Professional Student Honorary Society, UNC-CH, Inducted 2002; University of North Carolina Research Council Award, spring 2002.
Dissertations and Theses Supervised in Past 5 Years: 8
Relevant Courses Taught:Democracy and Citizenship; The Political Community
Recent Publications:• 2016 Patrick R. Miller and Pamela Johnston Conover. 2015. “Red and Blue States of Mind: Partisan Hostility and Voting in the United States.” Political Research Quarterly, 68 (2): 225-239.
• 2015 Patrick Miller and Pamela Johnston Conover. 2015. “Why Partisan Warriors Don’t Listen: The Gendered Dynamics of Intergroup Anxiety and Partisan Conflict.” Politics, Groups, and Identities, 3(1): 21-39.
• 2002 Conover, Pamela, Ivor Crewe and Donald Searing. "The Deliberative Potential of Political Discussion." British Journal of Political Science, vol 32, issue 1, p. 21. 2002.
• 1991 Conover, Pamela, Ivor Crewe and Donald Searing. "The nature of citizenship in the United States and Great Britain: Empirical comments on theoretical themes." The Journal of Politics, vol 53, issue 3, p. 800. 1991.
• 1990 Ivor Crewe, Donald Searing, and Pamela Conover. Citizenship and Civic Education: A report of a comparative research programme into aspects of citizenship in Britain and the US. Citizenship Foundation, 1990.
• 1983 Feminism and the New Right: Conflict Over the American Family. Praeger Publishers, 1983. 253 pp.


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