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Lucia Binotti

Title: Professor, Romance Languages (Spanish)
Department/School: Romance Studies , CB#3170
Telephone: (919) 962-1038
Appointed Year: 1990
Education:• PHD Romance Studies, University of California at Santa Barbara 1990
World Area Of Focus:• Latin America 10%-24%
• Western Europe/European Union (EU) 75%-99%
Languages:• French (professional proficiency)
• Italian (native/bilingual proficiency)
• Portuguese (professional proficiency)
• Spanish (native/bilingual proficiency)
Specialization:Spanish philology; cultural thought; linguistic historiography
Relevant Experience:• World View: An International Program for Educators
• El Pueblo Latino
• Durham Rape Crisis Center
• Overseas Experience: France, Italy (country of origin), Spain 
Distinctions:• -ongoing Difficult Dialogues Initiative
• -ongoing External Grants: NEH
• -ongoing Kauffman Foundation
• -ongoing Institute for Arts and Humanities Fellow, Schwab Fellow Opportunity Fund
• 1986-1988 University of North Carolina Regents University Fellowship. University of California
Dissertations and Theses Supervised in Past 5 Years: 4
Relevant Courses Taught:• Conversation for Honors Students
• Advanced Grammar and Composition
• Introduction to Spanish Philology
• Latin American Civilization and Culture
• Afro-Hispanic Language Contacts
• SPAN 260 Introduction to Spanish and Spanish American Literature
• SPAN 371 Survey of Spanish Literature to 1700
• SPAN 377 Structure of Spanish
• SPAN 621 Literary and Cultural History of the Spanish Language
• SPAN 682 Spanish Sociolinguistics
• SPAN 721 Old Spanish
Recent Publications:• 2016 How Do You Say It? Maximizing Spanish Resources for Latin@ IPV Prevention (digital scholarship)
• 2016 Un brindis para La Corónica.” Hispanismos del mundo. Diálogos y debates en (y desde) el Sur. Leonardo Funes, Ed, .Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila, 2016.
• 2015 How Do You Say It? Maximizing Spanish Resources for Latin@ IPV Prevention
• 2015
• 2015 RoadAmico (educational travel software, instructional site to be launched May 2015).
• 2015 DHPressRome
• 2013 “Visual Eroticism, Poetic Voyeurism: Ekphrasis and the Complexities of Patronage in Góngora’s Fábula de Polifemo y Galatea" in Signs of Power in Hapsburg Spain and the New World, eds. I López Alemany and J McKloskey. Bucknell University Press.
• 2012 Cultural Capital, Language and National Identity in Imperial Spain. Tamesis.
• 2009 “Humanistic Audiences: The Novela Sentimental and the Novela de Caballerías Reception in Cinquecento Italy.” La Corónica Critical Cluster. Forthcoming summer 2009. 39 pp.
• 2009 "The Grammatical Thought and Linguistic Behaviour of Juan de Valdés." By Kormi Anipa. München: LINCOM, 2007. Historiographia Linguistica XXXVI:1/2 (2009), 123–131.
• 2009 “Windmills of Fame, Chariots of Perdition: The Equivocal Defeats of Cervantes and Don Quixote,” in Recuerde el Alma Dormida: Medieval and Early Modern Spanish Essays in Honor of Frank A. Domínguez. Juan de la Cuesta.
• 2008 “Evidence or Legend? Language or Culture? The Sixteenth-Century Spanish Historiographical Tradition and the Linguistic Definition of the Middle Ages.” “Recuerde el alma dormida”: Medieval and Early Modern Essays in Honor of Frank A. Domínguez. Forthcoming 2008.
• 2007 “La Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea and the ‘Questione della Lingua’ after Bembo’s Prose.” In Proceedings of the International Symposium 1502-2002: Five Hundred Years of Fernando de Rojas Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea. HSMS, New York, 2007, 311-340.
• 2007 “Coins, Jewelry and Stone Inscriptions. Ambrosio de Morales and the Re-writing of the History of Spain.” The Journal of the Classical Tradition. Forthcoming 2007.
• 2004 With José María García Martín, “Las ideas de Aldrete sobre política lingüística en el mundo romano en el Del origen i principio de la lengua castellana ò española.” C. Corralez Zumbado y otros, eds., Nuevas aportaciones a la historiografía lingüística. Actas del IV Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Historiografía Lingüística, Madrid: Arco/Libros, I , 2004: 289-299.
• 2003 “Juan de Lucena.” Biographical entry for the Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 286, Castilian Writers, 1400-1500. Frank Domínguez and George Greenia, Eds. Detroit: Bruccoli Clark, 2003: 31-37.
• 2001 “Acerca de las glosas al Diálogo de vita beata” In La Corónica, 29 (2, Spring 2001): 185-200.
• 2000 “‘La lengua compañera del imperio’. Observaciones sobre el desarrollo de un discurso de colonialismo lingüístico en el Renacimiento español.” In Portada Hispánica, Monographic Issue on Renaissance Grammatical Tradition and the Description of Non-Western Languages, Otto Zwartjes, Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi, 2000, 245-73.
• 2000 “Cultura y sociedad, ideología y práctica. Problemas en la enseñanza del español a nivel superior.” In Nuevas Perspectivas en la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera, I. M. Franco, C. Soler et alii, Eds. Cadiz, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cadiz, 2000: 25-43.
• 2000 “La Epístola exhortatoria a las letras de Juan de Lucena. Humanismo y educación en la Castilla del siglo XV.” Edición y comentario. In La Corónica, 28 (2, Spring 2000): 51-80.
• 2000 With José María García Martín, “La forma del objeto directo en las gramáticas del español de los siglos XVI y XVII.” In Actas del II Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Historiografía Lingüística. Madrid: Arco Libros, 2000, 447-458.


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