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Sinamenye Mutima

Title: Assistant Professor, African, African American, and Diaspora Studies
Department/School: African Afrl-Amer and Diaspora , CB#3395
Telephone: (919) 966-5496
Appointed Year: 1996
Education:• EDD Education, Northern Illinois University at De Kalb 1996
World Area Of Focus:• Africa 75%-99%
• International 25%-49%
Languages:• French (native/bilingual proficiency)
• Lingala (native/bilingual proficiency)
• Swahili (native/bilingual proficiency)
Specialization:Kiswahili curriculum development; pedagogy; second language acquisition; language variation.
Relevant Experience:• Developed the Kiswahili Curriculum at UNC-Chapel Hill and was involved with community outreach lectures and discussions on Central Africa in the area of Research Triangle Park, NC. Assisted student in translating Kiswahili for thesis.
Dissertations and Theses Supervised in Past 5 Years: n/a
Relevant Courses Taught:• SWAH 112, Intensive Kiswahili 1-2; SWAH 234, Intensive Kiswahili 3-4; SWAH 403-404, Intermediate Kiswahili; SWAH 405-406, Advanced Kiswahili.
Recent Publications:


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