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Wendan Li

Title: Associate Professor with tenure, Asian Studies
Department/School: Asian Studies , CB#3267
Telephone: (919) 843-7500
Appointed Year: 2001
Education:• PHD Linguistics, University of Alberta 1996
World Area Of Focus:• Asia 100%
• International 50%-74%
Languages:• Chinese, Mandarin (native/bilingual proficiency)
Specialization:Chinese linguistics, discourse analysis, pragmatics, second language acquisition. Analyzes the unique features of Chinese as an isolating and “discourse-oriented” language. Different from the majority of languages commonly studied, Chinese has meager grammatical markings within the clause, but more devices and strategies at the discourse level for the construction of text. The identification of these devices and strategies and the understanding of how they work together are important not only for the study of the grammatical system, but also for second-language teaching and learning.
Relevant Experience:• 1994-2013 teaching Chinese language and linguistics at the college level in the US and Canada
Distinctions:• -ongoing Jimmy and Judy Cox Asia Initiative Summer Travel Award 2013, Carolina Asia Center Course Development Award 2011, Grier/Woods Presbyterian Initiative Fellowship in Chinese Studies 2009, Grier/Woods Presbyterian China Initiative Travel Awards 2007, Boardman Family Foundation Grant 2005
Dissertations and Theses Supervised in Past 5 Years: 3
Relevant Courses Taught:• CHIN 354 Chinese Culture through Calligraphy
• CHIN 407 Readings in Modern Chinese I
• CHIN 408 Readings in Modern Chinese II
• CHIN 440 Advanced Chinese Grammar
• CHIN 441 Chinese-English Translation and Interpreting
• CHIN 496 Chinese Written Narrative Discourse
• CHIN 511 Literary Chinese
Recent Publications:• 2018 Li, Wendan (to appear in 2018). “Aspect in Chinese Narrative Discourse” In Chris C-C Shei (Ed.) Routledge Handbook of Chinese Discourse Analysis. London: Routledge.
• 2017 Li, Wendan 2017. “Aspectual coercion: Interpretations of V-le in Mandarin Chinese.” International Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 4(1). 22-61.
• 2016 Li, Wendan. 2016. “The many faces of adverbial margins.” Chinese Language and Discourse, 7(1). 23–65.
• 2014 Li, Wendan. 2014. “Clause structure and grounding in Chinese narrative discourse.” Chinese Language and Discourse 5(2). 99–145.
• 2014 Li, Wendan. 2014. “The pragmatics of existential–presentative constructions in Chinese: A discourse-based study.” International Journal of Chinese Linguistics 1(2). 244–274.
• 2014 Li, Wendan. 2014. “Perfectivity and grounding in Mandarin Chinese.” Studies in Language, 38(1). 128–170.
• 2012 Temporal and Aspectual References in Mandarin Chinese. JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS. 44, 2045-2066.
• 2011 美国高校的中国书法课程刍议 (Chinese calligraphy courses in American Universities). Yuyan Jiaoxue yu Yanjiu (Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies) 2011(4).
• 2009 Chinese writing and calligraphy. University of Hawaii Press.
• 2009 书面语体输出偏误对汉语词语教学的启示 (Features of Advanced L2 Chinese Writing and their Implications for the Teaching of Vocabulary). Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association 45.3 2009. The Role of a Chinese Calligraphy Course to Supplement Chinese Language Teaching. Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association44.2.
• 2004 "The Discourse Perspective in Teaching Chinese Grammar." 2004. JOURNAL OF CHINESE LANGUAGE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION, 39.1, 25-44.


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