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Anastacia Kohl

Title: Teaching Assistant Professor, Department of Romance Studies (Spanish) Faculty Coordinator SPAN 203, Department of Romance Studies
Department/School: Romance Studies , CB#3170
Telephone: (919) 843-9205
Appointed Year: 2005
Education:• EDD Romance Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2005
World Area Of Focus:• Latin America 25%-49%
Languages:• Spanish (native/bilingual proficiency)
Specialization:Spanish Language Pedagogy
Dissertations and Theses Supervised in Past 5 Years: n/a
Relevant Courses Taught:• SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I
• SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II
• SPAN 203 Intermediate Spanish I
• SPAN 204 Intermediate Spanish II
Recent Publications:• 2005 The Profesional Development Needs of K-12 ESL and Foreign Language Teachers: a Descriptive Study. University of North Carolina Theses and Dissertations.


  1. Searches are not case-sensitive.
  2. Enclosing two or more words in double quotes will return only faculty profiles containing the quoted terms in the requested order (e.g. a search for "Public Health" will only return faculty profiles that contain the phrase 'Public Health'.)
  3. Use 'AND' in keyword box to search for words that appear in any order in a faculty profile (e.g. a search for 'Public AND Health' will return faculty profiles that contain both the individual words 'Public' and 'Health.')
  4. Using 'OR' in keyword box will broaden your search by returning faculty profiles that contain keywords on either side of the word 'OR' (e.g. a search for 'Public OR Health' will return faculty profiles that contain either one or both of the words 'Public' and 'Health.' )
  5. A shortened form of your keyword will further broaden your search (e.g. a search for 'demo' will return faculty profiles that contain words begin with 'demo,' such as 'demographic', 'democratic'.)
  6. If search terms are entered without quotes, they are treated as if a logical 'OR' was placed between each term. For example, a search for 'Public Health Malaysia' will return faculty profiles that contain the individual words 'Public' and/or 'Health' and/or 'Malaysia.'
  • Quickly enter the first few letters of the faculty last name. Select the faculty name you are searching for from the result list.