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Anna Agbe-davies

Title: Associate Professor, Anthropology
Department/School: Anthropology , CB#3115
Telephone: (919) 962-1613
Appointed Year: 2009
Education:• PHD Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania 2004
World Area Of Focus:• Latin America 10%-24%
Specialization:Plantation societies of colonial US and Caribbean
African Diaspora
Relevant Experience:• Overseas Experience: Barbados
Distinctions:• 2014-2014 Carolina Digital Humanities Initiative Grant to develop Archaeology of African Diasporas course
Dissertations and Theses Supervised in Past 5 Years: 5
Recent Publications:• 2013 “Demanding a Share of Public Regard,” with C Martin in Transforming Anthropology 21.
• 2011 “Inside/Outside, Upside Down: Including Archaeologists in Communities,” in Archaeologies 7(3).
• 2010 “Concepts of community in pursuit of an inclusive archaeology,”  in The International Journal of Heritage Studies 16(6).
• 2010 Social Archaeologies of Trade and Exchange: Exploring Relationships among People, Places, and Things, coeditor with Alexander A Bauer. Left Coast Press.
• 2009 2009      “Scales of Analysis, Scales of Value: Archaeology at Bush Hill House, Barbados.” The International Journal of Historical Archaeology 13.


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