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Rita O'Sullivan

Title: Associate Professor, School of Education; Executive Director, Evaluation, Assessment and Policy Connections (EvAP), School of Education Director of Evaluation, NC Translational Research Science Center (NC TraCS), School of Medicine
Department/School: School of Education Deans Ofc , CB#3500
Telephone: (919) 843-7878
Appointed Year: 1999
Education:• EDD Educational Leadership Curriculum & Instruction, Auburn University 1984
World Area Of Focus:• Africa 10%-24%
• Western Europe/European Union (EU) 10%-24%
Languages:• French (professional proficiency)
• Spanish (professional proficiency)
Specialization:Program evaluation, case study methods, research design, qualitative methods; program evaluation
assistance and training for local, state, national and international organizations.
Relevant Experience:• Dr. O’Sullivan began her international involvement in Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa as a Peace Corps Volunteer. Since that time she has worked with development projects in Benin, Guinea, Kenya, Senegal, Southern Sudan, Haiti, and St. Kitts.
• Traveled to Thailand, Kazakhstan, Russia, Brazil, Guinea, Barbados, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands to make presentations and conduct evaluation trainings.
• During the Fall 2008 semester, Dr. O’Sullivan joined the faculty of Semester at Sea, circumnavigating the globe, engaging in field experiences in Brazil, Namibia, South Africa, India, Malaysia, Viet Nam, China, Japan, and Costa Rica.
• Most recently during the Semester at Sea Maymester 2012, she visited Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, and Belize.
• Interventions Promoting Bio-Medical Research Careers for Underrepresented Groups NIH ($1,190,000)
• YMCA – USA Higher Education Initiative Evaluation
• Development of Evaluation Tool Kit for K-12 International Presenter Programs, U.S. Department of Education.
• Evaluation consultant for numerous secondary and post-secondary institutions including External Evaluation of GEAR UP North Carolina Cohort 3 ($420,000)
• Developed and led EvAP Evaluation Institute; conducted presentations and training in evaluation
Distinctions:• 2009-2012 Director of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) Graduate Education Diversity Internship Program
• 2002-2002 Ingle Service award from the American Evaluation Association
• 2001-2001 Presented the first lifetime Distinguished Service Award from the North Carolina Association for Research in Education
• 1992-1997 AEA Secretary/Treasurer from 1992-1997
Relevant Courses Taught:• Graduate courses in Educational Program Evaluation, Case Study Methods, Research Design, Measurement, and Statistics
Recent Publications:• 2014 “Collaborative, participatory, and empowerment evaluation: Building a strong conceptual foundation for stakeholder involvement to evaluation,” with D. Fetterman, L. Rodríguez-Campos and L. Wandersman in American Journal of Evaluation, 35, 144-8
• 2014 Fetterman, D., Rodriguez-Campos, L., Wandersman, A., & O’Sullivan, R. (2014). Collaborative, participatory, and empowerment evaluation: Building a strong conceptual foundation for stakeholder involvement to evaluation. American Journal of Evaluation, 35, 144-148.
• 2013 NC TraCS Pilot Programs Return on Investment (ROI). Paper to American Evaluation Association with J. Cain, and M. Lister.
• 2012 O’Sullivan, R. G., & Rodrigues-Campos, L. (Eds.) (2012) Special Issue on Collaborative Evaluation, Evaluation and Program Planning, 35(4).
• 2012 O’Sullivan, R. G., & Rodriguez-Campos, L. (Eds.) (2012) Evaluation and Program Planning: Collaborative Evaluation Special Issue, 35.
• 2012 O’Sullivan, J. M., & O’Sullivan, R. G. (2012). Use of the Collaborative Evaluation Model in an agricultural development program in Southern Sudan. Evaluation and Program Planning, 35(4), 547-551.
• 2012 O’Sullivan, J. M., & O’Sullivan, R. G. (2012). Collaborative evaluation and market research converge: An innovative model agricultural development program evaluation in Southern Sudan. Evaluation and Program Planning, 35(4), 535-39.
• 2006 O’Sullivan, R., Jay, M., Powers, E., Hudson, M., Anderson, A., Blow, C. & Penta M. (2006). Instruction Manual for Evaluation K-12 International Outreach Programs. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Center for Global Initiatives.
• 2004 O'Sullivan, Rita. Practicing Program Evaluation: A Collaborative Approach. (Sage, 2004)
• 1993 Senior Author Rita O'Sullivan. Programs for At-Risk Student: A Guide to Evaluation (Corwin Press, 1993).


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