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Elin Slavick

Title: Professor, Art
Department/School: Art , CB#3405
Telephone: (919) 923-4550
Appointed Year: 1994
Education:BA in Poetry, Art, Film History, Sarah Lawrence College, 1988
MFA in Photography, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1992
World Area Of Focus:• Asia 75%-99%
• International 10%-24%
• Western Europe/European Union (EU) Less than 10%
Languages:• French (elementary proficiency)
• German (limited working proficiency)
Specialization:Photography, Interdisciplinary and Conceptual Art and The Aesthetics of War
Distinctions:• 2008-2013 Artist in Residence at the Peace Memorial Museum in Hiroshima, Japan
Dissertations and Theses Supervised in Past 5 Years: MFA 1992 School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Recent Publications:• 2016 2015 Gut Feminism, Duke University Press, cover image
• 2016 Photography in America, Miles Orvell, Oxford University Press, UK, pp. 200-201
• 2016 Publications / Magazines / Newspapers / Journals / Catalogues / Websites / Blogs
• 2016
• 2016 Critical Military Studies, "Re-Imagining Hiroshima in Japan," Photograph, p.1,June, Taylor & Francis
• 2016
• 2016 Union of Maine Visual Artists Quarterly Journal, "The Mapping of the Incomprehensible," 8-page spread of collages and text, Winter
• 2016 Chigoku Daily, "International Artists Express Hiroshima," Hiroshima, Japan
• 2016 shadows-hiroshima#B3cyGShjqljm04fB.99
• 2016 Portland Phoenix, "Traces, transformations and trajectories: elin o'Hara slavick and Shane C. Smith," Britta Konau, July 2, p 30; "Be on the lookout for elin o'Hara slavick at ICA," June 5, p. 21, Maine
• 2016 Durham Herald Sun, Speaking 'Truth to Power' at Pleiades," Blue Greenberg, August 30, NC
• 2016 Camera Atomica, John O'Brien, Art Gallery of Ontario and Black Dog Publishing, p. 144
• 2016 Publications, Books
• 2016 Disorder, teNeues Publishing, London, UK, pp. 74-75 + 127
• 2016 2015 The Asia-Pacific Journal, "Hiroshima Mon Amour," Vol. 13, Issue 32, No. 4, August 10
• 2016 BLOW Photo, featured photographer, "After Hiroshima," May, Dublin, Ireland
• 2016 The Volta, Evening Will Come, "Hiroshima mon Amour," August,
• 2016 Fisheye Magazine, "The Swap: portraits de photographes," Paris, France,
• 2016 2015 Tokyo Times / Shimbun, November 27, page 26
• 2016 CRAVE, "Seventy Year Old Shadows of Hiroshima," Nicole Borgenicht, August 26, Los Angeles
• 2016 Portland Press Herald, "Far East and Down East on view at MECA Gallery," June 7, Maine
• 2016 The Detroit News, "Detroit's Whitdel Explores Hiroshima," Michael H. Hodges, August 31, MI
• 2015 2014 Natural Disaster and Reconstruction in Asian Economies: A Global Synthesis, Kinnia Yau (ed); Mark Selden chapter author, Bombs Bursting In Air: State and citizen responses to the US firebombing and Atomic bombing of Japan, color plate of World Map drawing, Palgrave Macmillan
• 2015 Mt Rokko Photography Festival, Kobe, Japan, catalogue
• 2015 Lens/cratch, "The Swap," Grant Gill, April 14,
• 2015 Burnaway, " Artists Respond to States of Emergency," Nick Kahler, March 13,
• 2015 On A White Wall, "The Swap," Stuart Pilkington, February 28
• 2015
• 2015 War Power, Police Power, Marc Neocleous, cover image, Edinburgh University Press, Scotland
• 2015 Burnaway, "On Hiroshima: Q&A with elin o'Hara slavick," Amy White, August 4, slavick/
• 2015 DC Sight Unseen, "The Other Side of Disaster," Adrian Muoio,
• 2015 New Mexico Mercury, "Another Way of Seeing: elin o'Hara slavick," Margaret Randall, March 28
• 2015 Midweek, "Gallery Exhibits depicts the Rubble of War," Dekalb, IL, September 16
• 2015 Chapel Hill News, front page, "Group 300 brings the inevitable to campus," Tammy Grubb, Dec. 7
• 2013 After Hiroshima, a monograph of my Hiroshima work, with an essay by james Elkins, Daylight Books; reviewed in the LA Times, NY Times, San Francisco Chronicle, FOAM, among others
• 2009 Katherine Harmon, The Map As Art: Contemporary Artists Explore Cartography,Princeton Architectural Press, 2009, page 30
• 2009 elin o'Hara slavick, Hiroshima: A Visual Record, Asia Pacific Journal, July, 2009,
• 2009 elin o'Hara slavick, Hiroshima: After Aftermath, Critical Asian Studies, Volume 41, Number 2, June, 2009, cover and pp. 307-328


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