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Arnold Matera

Title: Associate Department Chair, Biology
Department/School: Biology , CB#3280
Telephone: (919) 962-4567
Appointed Year: 2007
Education:Doctorate (1990), Univ of California, Davis
Bachelors (1984), Univ of Colorado, Boulder
Languages:• Spanish (limited working proficiency)
Specialization:RNA Processing; Nuclear Organization; Spinal Muscular Atrophy; Nucleocytoplasmic Transport; Control of Gene Expression
Dissertations and Theses Supervised in Past 5 Years: 8
Relevant Courses Taught:Biol 890, Biol 202
Recent Publications:• 2016 107. Lu Z., Filonov G.S., Noto J.J., Schmidt C.A., Hatkevich T.L., Wen Y., Jaffrey S.R. and Matera A.G. (2015). Metazoan tRNA introns generate stable circular RNAs in vivo. RNA 21: 1554-1565.
• 2016 109. O’Hern P.J., Garcia E.L., Le T.H., Hart A.C., Matera A.G. and Beattie C.E. (2016). Non-mammalian animal models of SMA. In: Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Disease Mechanisms and Therapy, C. Sumner, S. Paushkin, C-P. Ko (eds.). Chapter 14: (in press), Elsevier Academic Press., San Diego, USA.
• 2016 108. Schmidt C.A., Noto J.J., Filonov G.S. and Matera A.G. (2016). A method for expressing and imaging abundant, stable, circular RNAs in vivo using tRNA splicing. Methods in Enzymology 572: (in press).
• 2015 106. Matera A.G. (2015). Twenty years of RNA: Reflections from the RNP world. RNA 21: 690-691
• 2015 102. Lu Z. and Matera A.G. (2014). Vicinal: a method for the determination of ncRNA ends using chimeric reads from RNA-seq experiments. Nucleic Acids Research 42: e79.
• 2015 103. Praveen K., Wen Y., Gray K.M., Noto J.J., Patlolla A.P., Van Duyne G.D. and Matera A.G. (2014). SMA-causing missense mutations in survival motor neuron (Smn) display a wide range of phenotypes when modeled in Drosophila. PLoS Genetics 10: e1004489.
• 2015 104. Lu Z. and Matera A.G. (2014). Developmental analysis of spliceosomal snRNA isoform expression. G3: Genes |Genomes |Genetics. 5: 103-10. (ePub, Nov 21)
• 2015 105. McKay D.J., Klusza S., Meers M.P., Penke T.J.R., Curry K.P., McDaniel S.L., Malek P.Y, Cooper S.W., Tatomer D.C., Lieb J.D., Strahl B.D., Duronio R.J. and Matera A.G. (2015). Interrogating the function of metazoan histones using engineered gene clusters. Developmental Cell 32: 373-386.
• 2009 Liu J.-L., Wu Z., Nizami Z., Deryusheva S., Rajendra T.K., Beumer K.J., Gao H., Matera A.G., Carroll D. and Gall J.G. (2009). Coilin is essential for Cajal body organization in Drosophila melanogaster. Molecular Biology of the Cell 20: 1661-1670.
• 2006 Gonsalvez G.B., Rajendra T.K., Tian L. and Matera A.G. (2006). The Sm-protein methyltransferase, Dart5, is essential for germ cell specification and maintenance. Current Biology 16: 1077-1089.
• 2005 Ospina J.K., Gonsalvez G.B., Bednenko J., Darzynkiewicz E., Gerace L. and Matera A.G. (2005). Molecular Biology of the Cell 16: 4660-4671.


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