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Glenn Walker

Title: Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Department/School: Biomedical Engineering , CB#7115
Telephone: (919) 513-4390
Appointed Year: 2004
Education:Doctorate(2002), University of Wisconsin-Madison
Specialization:bioMEMS and microfluidics
Recent Publications:• 2009 SooHoo, J. R. and G. M. Walker, “Microfluidic Aqueous Two Phase Systems for Leukocyte Separation from Whole Blood,” Biomed. Microdev., 11(2), pp. 323–329, 2009.
• 2009 O'Neill, A. T., N. A. Monteiro-Riviere, G. M. Walker, “Cell seeding curtains for high throughput proliferation assays,” Lab Chip, 2009, DOI: 10.1039/B819622B.
• 2008 O'Neill, A. T., N. A. Monteiro-Riviere, G. M. Walker, “Characterization of Microfluidic Human Epidermal Keratinocyte Culture,” Cytotechnology, 56, pp. 197–207, 2008.
• 2007 Walker, G. M., N. Monteiro-Riviere, J. Rouse, A. T. O'Neill, “A Linear Dilution Microfluidic Device for Cytotoxicity Assays,” Lab Chip, 7(2), pp. 226–232, 2007.
• 2005 Walker, G. M., J. Sai, A. Richmond, M. Stremler, C. Y. Chung J. P. Wikswo, “Effects of flow and diffusion on chemotaxis studies in a microfabricated gradient generator,” Lab Chip, 5(6), pp. 611–618, 2005.
• 2004 Walker, G. M., M. S. Ozers, and D. J. Beebe, “Creation of virus gradients for cell infection within a microfluidic device,” Sens. Act. B., 98(2–3), pp. 347–355, 2004.
• 2002 Walker, G. M., and D. J. Beebe, “An evaporation-based microfluidic sample concentration method,” Lab Chip, 2(2), pp. 57–61, 2002.


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